Michael Gallagher (Chairman)

Michael has over 20 years experience in the finance industry including more than 10 years in the alternative management industry. Michael is currently the General Manager of AIMA Australia.



Alistair RewAlistair is the chair of AIMA Australia, the founder of Cortex Investech, and a member of the public markets leadership team at AMP Capital.  Alistair has over 20 years in investment management.

Alistair Rew

Alistair is the chair of AIMA Australia. Alistair has over 25 years' experience in the alternative investment management industry, holding global leadership and investment positions in London, New York, and Sydney.

Les Andrews

Les is a Chief Operating Officer and Operational Risk Manager with over 30 years’ experience building businesses in the Australian Financial Markets.


Doron Haifer

Doron founded ASAM while at the University of New South Wales. He has experience building and running multiple societies, including the UNSW Alternative Investment Society.

Jessamy Burton

Jessamy is a Organisational Development Consultant at Perpetual Limited taking pride in diversity and inclusion, leadership, learning, and change management, with a psychology background.